Laster, Johnson, Thompson succeed in track and field
By Jim Turner

Posted on February 18, 2015 10:23 PM

Coach Greg Howard, who has built a highly successful cross country and track program at Logan County High School, is proud of the successes of some of his former competitors in the sports. He has shared information about them with The LoJo.

Former Logan County track and cross country standout Joe Dan Laster has started a cross country program at Todd County Central. The board voted 4-0 to let him start the program. The WKU graduate is a science teacher at Todd County Middle School.

Coach Howard says, “Joe Dan was a big part of our success here and now has taken that passion to another level by starting a program there. Not sure if they are going to let him do middle school only right now or both.”

Deja Thompson and Aaron Johnson are competing at Campbellsville University. Aaron is a sophomore and Deja is a freshman. Aaron is on scholarship for track and football and Deja just earned a partial scholarship for her efforts.

Deja and Aaron competed at a meet at Cedarville University in Ohio a few weeks ago with the following results:

Deja: Set a Personal Record in the shot put (32’ 11”) and set the school record in the weight throw 35’ 6”.

Aaron: Set the school record in the weight throw and qualified for the NCCAA (NAIA) Nationals with a throw of 46’ 3.25” and set a personal record in the shot with a throw of 36’ 8.5”.

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