Tips for dealing with summer heat from health professionals
By Ashli McCarty & Kim Flora, Barren River District Health

Posted on July 11, 2020 4:08 PM

Ashli McCarty & Kim Flora, Barren River District HealthThis summer, people are concerned about COVID-19. We have all been kept inside, away from family and friends, and we want to enjoy the beautiful weather. As people start to venture outside the home to get some much needed exercise and fresh air, the Barren River District Health Department wants to remind you to watch the heat.

Of course, we need to remember to wear our masks in public, wash our hands, stay at least 6-feet apart, and avoid large groups of people, but we also need to stay cool. Here are some heat safety step to follow when going outside:

? Wear lightweight, loose fitting clothing. This will help your body breathe and keep you cool. If you need to remove your mask for a few minutes, look for a place that is away from other people. This will help prevent the spread of disease. If there is nowhere to get away, you can also use a cold rag or some ice on the back of your neck. The neck is your body’s “temperature gage,” and by cooling it down, your entire body will feel cooler. Wear a wide brim hat to keep the sun off your neck and out of your eyes.

? Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated. Caffeinated and alcoholic drinks make you sweat more and can cause dehydration. If you sweat a lot, consider drinking a sports drink. These drinks can help restore salts and minerals in the body that are lost through sweating, but remember that the sugar in these drinks can cause stomach cramps and water is still the healthiest option.

? Be sure to wear sunscreen. Wearing sunscreen every day helps to protect your skin from harmful UV rays that cause sunburn and skin cancer. It is best to apply sunscreen 30 minutes before going outside, reapply every two hours outside, and reapply immediately after swimming or heavy sweating.

? Make a plan for your outdoor activities. Stay inside during the hottest parts of the day: take a family hike in the early morning or later in the evening when it isn’t so hot. By having a plan, you and your family can avoid the heat and keep cool.

By keeping these ideas in mind, your family can enjoy an active summer while keeping yourself safe from COVID-19. For more information about COVID-19 during the summer months, visit or

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