Stevenson students gather 'Presents for Parents'
By Penni Nugent

Posted on December 8, 2015 8:41 PM

At Stevenson Elementary the first full week of December begins to look "a lot like Christmas," as students are granted the privilege of picking out a present for a loved one, getting it wrapped, and taking it home to put under their tree. These gifts are items donated by many special people and placed on tables in the Library. 

As children enter the library, they are given a number and assigned a table with activities to complete until their table number is called. 

When they hear Media Specialist Sherry Bouldin call their table number, they may go to the gift tables and make their choices.  Volunteers come to help wrap their gift choices.

Debbie Elliott, assistant FRC coordinator, along with Director Carol Kees have both been responsible for this successful event, “Presents for Parents,” with our students for several years now. 

Thank you, ladies, for helping to provide many smiles and bringing some Christmas joy! 

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