Epley Baptist among Christians at the Capitol
By Regina Brooks

Posted on January 1, 0001 12:00 AM

“We, the people of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, grateful to Almighty God for the civil, political and religious liberties we enjoy, and invoking the continuance of these blessings, do ordain and establish this Constitution.”

Over the past years I have heard several people claim—even saw a comment in a letter to the editor of our local print paper—we are not a Christian nation. As you can see in the Preamble to the Kentucky Constitution, we ARE a Christian state as well as a nation.  

It’s time we stand up to be counted. That’s what over 500 Christians in Kentucky did on Tuesday, Feb. 19. These people attended “Christians at the Capitol Day” in Frankfort. Among these were 16 people from Epley Baptist Church.

Chaplain to Kentucky state government Bro. Lee Watts has had “Christians at the Capitol Day” for the four years he has been in Frankfort. After attendance of only 75, he considered discontinuing his attempts to get Christians to show up to meet with our legislators. But he, with encouragement from pastors like Bro. Bill Vaught of Epley Baptist, decided to give it another year. He was pleasantly surprised!  

After the committee room he had reserved was packed, Bro. Watts arranged another room for gatherers to fill. Both rooms were standing room only. An estimate of over 500 Christians gathered in two rooms to meet and pray with legislators, to learn about moral issues up for a vote by the Kentucky General Assembly, and to hear Pastor Noah Broughton bring a message.

The group from Epley met with State Representative Martha Jane King, who seemed thrilled she had some constituents drive so far! Ms. King was instrumental in remodeling the chapel in the Capitol. When she came, she said it was run down and not worthy of being called a chapel.

Through her efforts along with those of Bro. Watts, it is now almost entirely redone and commendably so. 

The members of Epley Baptist Church that were able to attend were: Bro. Bill Vaught, Donna Vaught, Regina Brooks, Eddie Brown, Janie Brown, Brandon Nash, Derrick Nash, Pauline Chyle, Ricky Wright, Debbie Wright, Daniel Johnson, Amber Johnson, Debbie Willis, Chastity Willis, Teddy Harper and Shirley Grise.

“Christians at the Capitol Day” was successful at what it was intended to do—let our representatives know we are still alive and want a voice. We are a Christian state and nation. Let’s keep it that way. 

Regina Brooks is a retired teacher who was advisor for the Chandlers School newspaper.

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