Human Trafficking seminar set at Crossroads Friday

Posted on May 12, 2015 10:42 PM

Friday night, the Human Trafficking, A Rising Epidemic: Kentucky Awareness For Women and Children Seminar will be held at Crossroads Church in Russellville.

The keynote speaker will be Vicki Moore, founder of Rahab’s Rope (a ministry to rescue victims of human trafficking). Moore, who is also a United Nations delegate, will speak about her experiences with human trafficking and how that if you think women and children aren’t in danger in your community, region or state, then you are not paying attention.

According to the Rahab’s Rope website:

Rahab's Rope is a 501(c)(3)  that exists to give hope and opportunity to women and girls that are at risk or have been forced into the commercial sex trade of India. By creating a safe and loving environment, they are enabled to grow and develop physically, mentally, and spiritually. Our work provides basic education and vocational training for each girl and woman who come through our centers; ultimately, allowing them to integrate into their communities in a positive and constructive manner.

Also, there will be a panel discussion on child endangerment and abuse, featuring State Rep. Martha Jane King, Executive Director of the Commonwealth Policy Center Richard Nelson, Russellville Mayor Mark Stratton, Russellville Schools Superintendent Leon Smith and owner of the Todd County Standard/Chamber Executive Director Ryan Craig.

Craig says, “By just the names of the peoplre who will be at the seminar, I can guarantee a life-changing experience for anyone who shows up at 6:30 p.m. Friday at Crossroads. Please encourage your church members, your friends, family and especially teens and children to attend this important event.”

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