Medical Technology may be the healthcare field for you
By Amy Norrod, SKYCTC

Posted on July 20, 2016 9:46 AM

Amy Norrod is Program Coordinator and Assistant Professor for the Medical Information Technology program at Southcentral Kentucky Community & Technical College (SKYCTC). 

Grey’s Anatomy – I would assume most know what I am referring to. For those who are unfamiliar, it is the exciting show of medical drama mixed with the allure of illicit relationships. Blood, drama, anticipation of danger and sex sell in our society….. it is just the way it works.

I teach Medical Terminology at Southcentral Kentucky Community & Technical College It is a subject I never tire of and I am always fascinated with. It is a topic that so many individuals are afraid of, cringe at the thought of learning it, and think they will be grossed out by. It is a matter of perspective in my opinion. Who could not be fascinated with dividing up a medical term to discover its hidden meaning without memorizing an entire definition?



Who would not be fascinated with discovering how the body works and realizing that each of is are a walking miracle that functions perfectly…….until it doesn’t….

So many students walk into my classroom at the beginning of each semester only because they are required to take the class for their chosen degree. I see them and only think of the unique privilege they have to understand another language and function professionally within the medical field using it. They are the lucky ones. They are the ones who are inquisitive with how the body works, why it works, and find sickness interesting. They are the ones who desire to find cures for the sick, help the injured, or perhaps just have a curiosity and a thrill of the unknown and find the gross stuff interesting. The humanitarians of our society.

I am the Program Coordinator and Assistant Professor for the Medical Information Technology program at SKYCTC. I am an individual who spends a lot of her time thinking about medical things, whether it be a disease, a new procedure, drug, or medical administrative skills that are needed to keep up with the ever changing technology.

I like to say in class that I love the medical field but I do not want to put my hands in anyone’s body. Perhaps you are like me? If so, I would love to talk to you about other options for you to pursue that do not have to be clinical.


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